So i was thinking. We should Skype either Wednesday the 24th or Saturday the 27th. I can do it whenever just look up the time change and decide when you all can be there. Let me know by next Monday. I need to find my password and stuff but it should be easy. I'm excited to see you guys!!!!!
This week was good. My zone is the second most northern zone. There is a zone a little bit more north in the cities of Pucon and Villarica. But I'm still really north! haha It's been so hot. Our zone is the cities of Los Lagos, Lanco, San Jose, Mafil, and Pangipulli. It covers a lot of area.
This week we had district conference on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday, before the activity, we had a Christmas dinner and activity with presidente. It was awesome! We ate turkey! The activity was really fun too. We wrapped Books of Mormon up and then went around and sang to everybody we could find, giving them the Books of Mormon afterwards. It was really fun and we talked to lots of people. It was crazy though, because we had to plan everything for the actividad. It was a lot of work! But it turned out, so that's good! I'm just tired now! haha But, so far, I like being a zone leader. It's a ton of work but I like it. Elder Beals is an awesome elder. He is a super hard worker and is an awesome leader. That's cool you talked to his mom! You guys should get together, that would be cool.
This week should be good. We should be able to work really hard this week and focus real hard! We don't have any surprise activities to plan so I'm excited! :)
The weather has been super hot! I can't believe how hot it is all the time! I'm excited for summer though. It's so much better than winter! The food isn't too much different but here we only eat with the members on Sunday. I like it a lot better because the food we make doesn't drip with oil!
So I keep trying to send pics but it isn't working. I'm pretty sure all my stuff has viruses. This week I will use a different SD card and maybe it will work. Thanks for all the pictures you guys have sent I love seeing all that's going on! Thanks for everything! You are the best family ever!
Let me know about Skype. I can do it whatever time either of those days.
Elder Robertson
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