sorry! My p-day is Thursday not Tuesday ;) it has been so awesome so far, I
love it here!! Outside is freakin' ridiculous but in here is great! Several
occasions there have been gunshots which have been creepy! They used to let the
teachers leave the MTC and walk around the city but two weeks before I got here
they were all walking when a store owner chased a guy out of his store and shot
him right in front of them!! The city is crazy! We got to go to the temple this
morning; that was amazing! I’m pretty sure there are no traffic laws in Mexico
it was the scariest bus ride of my life!!!! The weather is awesome until about
5:30 when it rains. It only hasn´t
rained twice since I’ve been here. The
spirit is so strong here I love it!! The language is coming slow but I can pray
and sorta bear my testimony in Spanish. I’ve memorized the purpose and I’m
working on the first vision. My district is awesome. Tuesday a ton of new
missionaries got here so this place is pretty packed! The food is awesome except
for a couple strange meals. A couple nights ago we had a mystery meat that I
think was still alive.... if it was meat :) yesterday for breakfast we had
corndogs and ham that was weird! And another one, I’m pretty sure they blended
all the leftovers together and told us it was soup... other than that I love it,
there have been some good meals. Another thing about food is you weren´t lying,
papaya tastes like throw-up and smells like diarrhea! I get an hour of exercise
everyday so we´ve been playing indoor soccer on basketball courts. It’s so awesome
because it’s small and the goals and basketball hoops are the same pole thing. That
probably didn´t make any sense, I’ll send you a pic next week! That would be
great if you could send that wire for the camera I can borrow one until it gets
here though. Mail takes 2-3 weeks to get here so just keep that in mind. It’s
pretty cool when it rains, it pours and the thunder is usually awesome. A few
nights ago there was a thunderstorm and there was thunder for 15 minutes
straight it didn´t stop the whole storm. I haven´t seen the volcano but I’ll
keep an eye out for it! I started reading the Book of Mormon when I got here, in
English, and I’m already at the end of Alma! On the second day we started
teaching an investigator who is just one of the teachers but they have the
story of real people so it’s like they are someone else. It’s crazy how I can
feel so much love for someone and I can´t communicate with them at all! That
has been really fun! The language is coming slowly but it is going fine, ten
hours of classes suck though! A typical day is wake up at 6:30 get ready, be to
class at 8:00. All our personal study is
in the classroom. Breakfast is at 8:00 and class goes until 11:30 that’s when I
get 50 minutes of exercise time. Then its lunch. And then class/study
time/progressing investigators then dinner at 6:30 and class/study time until
9:30. I shower at night because there are 6 of us in our dorm room apartment
thing. And then write in my journal and read until 10:30-ish. Every Tuesday we have devotionals which are
amazing! Thursday is my p-day and Saturday, instead of exercise time, we do a
service project. Sunday is my favorite day so far because I can just turn my
brain off and feel the spirit! You can give my email to anyone I just won´t be
able to send them back to everyone every week. It’s cool aunt Mellissa had her
baby what a cutie! Last Saturday we didn´t do the service project cause we were
new so we played basketball. I was playing super hard until I rolled my ankle
so I’m a little bit more careful now! It’s been fun, at nights we usually goof
off for a bit and that has been great, some of the elders are hilarious. So far
there are two districts in our zone, in my district everyone is going to Rancagua
Chile and in the other district almost everyone is going to Osorno Chile! This
week has flown by. Before I know it I’ll
be in Chile!! The MTC is so pretty; a few days ago there were green parrots
everywhere and yesterday we saw a moth that was bigger than my hand! The MTC is
huge it is 90 acres!! It’s strange seeing pine trees and palm trees right next
to each other. I’ll get to go to the temple one more time before I leave. Sounds
like things have finally calmed down at home that has to be nice! That pillow
was pretty cool, I liked it! I’ve been talking to Aaron he’s having a great
time it sounds like! Tell Leslie thanks!!! Thanks for the prayers they definitely
help thanks for everything love you guys a ton!!!!!
Me and Elder Wadman (Copperhills) at the Mexico City Temple
The Classroom ........................ :)
Such a sick blanket!!!!!!
The flight over